Commercial Housing Markets

A local construction company is taking full advantage of the highly cost-effective Hydraform Building System to build commercial housing projects in Nairobi…

Project Details

Commercial Housing Markets

A local construction company is taking full advantage of the highly cost-effective Hydraform Building System to build commercial housing projects in Nairobi…

Kenya has a housing crisis: Only 35 000 new units are developed each year against an estimated demand of 150 000 units. One of the key factors impeding adequate, affordable and decent housing is the cost of building materials. To address this problem, Surelink International Limited embraced the Hydraform Building System and has a number of spectacular successes to reference. Perhaps the most notable of these is the three-storey Valley Apartments in Nakuru. Others currently in the pipeline include a number of upmarket housing developments.

If it looks right, it might not work right… the crippling cost of fake equipment.

We’ve all been faced with this situation before. You need equipment or a spares part, you’re a bit low on cash…and it becomes very tempting to take the easier, ‘cheaper’ route and get non-original parts. You save time, and money… right? Wrong!